Life groups resume January 5th!

Life Groups

We do life together at TCJV!

Life Groups are how we do life together at TCJV, becoming more like Jesus through meaningful, Christ-centered relationships. On Sunday, we gather in Life Groups—small groups where we make friends, share in discussion about the Bible, and lift up one another’s needs in prayer. These groups are open to anyone, and ready to welcome you!


Sundays at 8:45 or 11:30am


Sundays at 10:00am

Find Your Life Group!


Sun at 8:45AM


Avg. Age: 73

WC H-124

The Anchor Class is a class of couples, widows, and widowers. The class uses the materials from Lifeway. Class members are divided into Care Groups so specific needs can be met, this class is very social throughout the year.


Ed Lara (Director), Harvey Toon (Teacher)

Grace Connection

Sun at
8:45 AM

40s – 70+

Avg. Age: 64

E-Bldg Reception Room

The women of Grace Connection come from a variety of backgrounds and ages, who love the Lord, studying the Bible and doing life with one another.


Sally Ramsay (Director) Patsy Armstrong, Kim Nickel, Stephanie Tipton, and Veroqueen Viadex (Teachers)


Sun at 8:45AM


Avg. Age: 45

E-Bldg Room E-5

Identity is a new Life Group class open to adults of all ages & stages of life. While the world gives us labels to establish our identity based on things such as our job, relationships, political affiliation, racial makeup and other factors, we know that our true identity is found in Jesus Christ alone.


Fred Lemuel (Director) Tyson Landrum, Nina Lemuel (Teachers)

Living in Grace

Sun at 8:45AM


Avg. Age: 84

WC H-110

The Living In Grace Life Group is made up of prayer warriors who have been blessed with God’s love, mercy, grace and miracles for 65 to 99 years. We are couples, widows and widowers who praise God for being with us through the good and the bad times.


Vicky McArdle & Steve Warren (Directors), Dianne Lekometros (Teacher)


Sun at 8:45AM

40s, 50s, 60s

Avg. Age: 65

WC H-109

The O.N.E. class is an Adult Bible Study fellowship where we study the truth of scripture on a verse by verse basis. We start in Genesis and will finish in Revelation. We also share a class prayer day once per quarter and our mission emphasis is for Mission Yahweh.


John Burns & Chuck Stollenwerck (Directors/Teachers)

Rejoice Class

Sun at 8:45AM

50s, 60s

Avg. Age: 66

E Bldg Room E-3

The Rejoice class is a friendly group who open God’s Word and discuss the Scriptures together discovering truths. We share our concerns and joys and discuss practical ways to apply God’s Word to our lives.


Mike Einkauf (Director/Teacher)

Thee Encouragers

Sun at 8:45AM

50s - 70s

Avg. Age: 68

E Bldg Room E-4

The The Encouragers class is a Bible based class that gets it’s lessons from the supplied literature. They have a fun class. Our door is always open and we welcome visitors.


Dwayne & Judy Caple (Director), Larry Inman (Teacher)

After I Do

Sun at 11:30AM

20s, 30s

Avg. Age: 31

KB - F210

 After we say, “I Do”, there’s a journey that a husband and wife must face together. Without God’s guidance and wisdom, things become convoluted in this fast-paced world. Join us to discover what God teaches us in His word about the role of the husband and wife and how to love others as Christ loves us. Come grow together as we discover the meaning of a biblical marriage. 


Anthony & Melissa Solano (Directors/Teachers)


Sun at 11:30AM

50s, 60s

Avg. Age: 59

WC H-110

Journeys can be filled with both challenges and excitement and new things to experience along the way. With Jesus as (the Way), the Holy Spirit as (our Guide), and the Word of God as (our Roadmap), we can navigate all that we would encounter during our journey. There’s nothing like traveling with our Lord!


Wanda Crumble (Director), Al & Gwen Parks (Teachers)


Sun at 11:30AM

30s, 40s

Avg. Age: 34

WC - H123b

A class for both singles and couples, from mid-20s to 40s, with or without children. Our mission is to build community through the study of God’s word and living life together.


Liz Stock (Director), Sonia Tyllick (Teacher)

Salt and Light

Sun at 11:30AM

30s, 40s

Avg. Age: 38

WC H-109

Welcome to our vibrant and dynamic Life Group tailored for adults in their 30s and 40s! Our group is designed to create a warm and inviting space for meaningful connections, spiritual growth, and mutual support.


Justin & Blair Johnson (Teacher/Director)

Thrive Young Adults

Sun at 11:30AM


Avg. Age: 21

KB - F201

A Life Group class for young adults ages 18-25. Doing the next stage of life together with God! Join us today; We saved you a spot!


Kionna LeMalle (Director/Teacher)


Sun at 10:00 AM

18 - 20s

KB - F201

I.D. es un grupo para jovenes adultos que hablaran acerca de la nueva identidad que todo creyente ahora tiene en Cristo. Será un grupo de compañerismo y crecimiento en la palabra de Dios.


Luis Chacon (Director/Teacher)

Biblia y Ciencia

Sun at 10:00 AM

30s - 50s

E Bldg - Room E-5

Un Grupo de Vida en Español enfocado en cómo enseñar a los padres a discipular la vida de sus hijos y así cumplir la gran comisión comenzando en sus casas.


Jose Migues Peluzzo Quiara & Keyla Pacheco (Director/Teacher)


Sun at 10:00 AM

40s –60s

E Bldg - Reception Room

Nuestro deseo es tener un matrimonio saludable y juntos estamos aprendiendo, según la palabra de Dios, cómo disfrutar de la vida abundante en pareja.


Joel & Melissa Ceniceros (Director/Teacher)

Fundamentos de mi fe

Sun at 10:00 AM

30s - 70+

WC H-110

La clase de Fundamentos de mi Fe es una clase en donde tocamos temas fundamentales vistos desde la palabra de Dios, por ejemplo la seguridad de la salvación, la fe, el bautismo y temas de relevancia espiritual.


Paco Ayala (Director/Lead Teacher)

Estudios para la vida

Sun at 10:00 AM

30s – 70+


Estudios para la Vida, te mostrará principios prácticos y aplicables que te ayudarán en tu vida diaria. Así también distrutarás de un buen tiempo de compañerismo y estudio profundo de la palabra de Dios.


Humberto Rodriguez (Director)

Adorando con las Escrituras

Sun at 10:00 AM

20s – 70+

WC H-109

Aprendamos juntos como adorar al Señor con bases Bíblicas y teológicas. Meets on Facebook Live: Adoracion en Jersey Village


Jean Chavez (Leader)